Polly's pages (aka 'Donna Williams')

Ever the arty Autie

Welcome to ARTism City


Learning Curve by autistic artist, Donna Williams I first used the word ARTism in 2000 to describe how my artistic personality trait had taken over where my autism left off, hence, artism. In 2004 I gave a presentation on ARTism in Those With Autism at Flinders University. The first web references of the use of the word artism go back to 1969. Today the term artism is used by both artists with autism, and many without. And why not? Artism is to artists what chocoholism is to chocoholics.

The ARTism store
Once upon a time there were Donna Williams‘ T-shirts which people bought around with world and mostly in the UK where I was touring when I lived there. Well, they’re back. Not exactly the ones available back then but well worth a visit to the new online shop, if only for a look around. And if t-shirts don’t interest you, there’s plenty else; mugs, mouse mats, bags, and other stuff. Its ARTism city. Hope to see you there.

at http://www.cafepress.com/donnawilliams/

Hope to see you there.

Even better, consider the service this place offers artists and how you might utilise it to express your own creativity.

Every the arty autie….

Donna Williams *)

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