Polly's pages (aka 'Donna Williams')

Ever the arty Autie

Lysdexic tumble; when numbers meet letters


Envision by Donna Williams  So many websites have ‘captchas‘ now… those combos of jumbled letters and numbers.  What of the dyslexics who tumble them both?  3 and E, come on guys, they look the same.  A and 4 and 7.  Where’s the difference?  2 and 5 and s?  8 and B?  d and 6 and 9 and b and p and q?  W and M?  Z and N?  I and 1?  F and H?  O and 0?  u and n?  Anyone else have this alphanumerical soup?  When I was 9 I was struggling with lots of these and got through that enough to read even though visual verbal agnosia means I still read without meaning unless I use gestural signing and I still use my BPI tinted lenses for Scotopic Sensitivity so the print doesn’t swim about on the page.  But these ‘captures’, I’m sure I take 3 times longer to get one right than most people.  Ah, they don’t design the world for funky brains like mine.

Donna Williams *)



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