Polly's pages (aka 'Donna Williams')

Ever the arty Autie

Who said life is fair?


Hope by Donna Williams

Hope by Donna Williams

Guess what… life’s tough, most people won’t understand you… mostly nobody will care about your ‘shit’… and generally that’s a symptom of a serious social disability called OVER POPULATION… it can probably be cured by condoms… if we cure it enough we’ll all most probably stop taking each other for granted – guaranteed. Fact is Dr Phil and Oprah may well have lied… the world was probably never designed to be kind and equal to all… its overpopulated, has generally bred greed and competition, heirachy and hypocrisy.. its time we faced up to the fact most of us are generally too selfish to care about the planet and too selfish to care about any children but our own ones, and too selfish to care about any groups but our own homies and essentially if we had to walk 5 miles to the next human most of us would really appreciate them whoever they were.

Donna Williams, BA Hons, Dip Ed.
Author, artist, singer-songwriter, screenwriter.
Autism consultant and public speaker.


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