A new refrigerator mother? – Mom, what’s in the fridge?
Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) used to be associated with orphans in Romanian orphanages, the battered, neglected and abused children of some disturbed or addict mothers or children given up for adoption. But what if, like autism, RAD is actually a spectrum? Today, the causes of RAD are far more diverse, even thought to potentially effect some (perhaps inherently less resilient) infants born to mothers with untreated prenatal and postnatal depression, ill and immune compromised infants experiencing chronic pain and prem babies experiencing early removal and limited bonding contact.
What too of autistic face blind infants unable to recognise their carer’s from others, those with tactile and body agnosias unable to process touch and being held, those with verbal agnosias unable to understand a carer’s speech or social-emotional agnosia who are unable to process facial expression, body language or intonation? Could they too be more susceptible to naturally developing elements of Reactive Attachment Disorder even in the ‘best of’ families? In fact literature is now beginning to acknowlege that mental retardation can affect attachment behaviour so if a significant percentage of children with autism are considered mentally retarded would this make them more prone to attachment disorders? Further, how much of what we presume to be mental retardation effecting bonding is actually significant agnosias common in those with autism?
But if RAD in infancy can cause severe chronic stress which can result in progressive sleep, gut and immune problems as well as cause real neurological differences, effecting real altered development in emotion regulation, interaction, language development, sensory integration and behavior management, could we have a whole new revamped, almost unrecognisable version of’the refrigerator mother‘?
RAD is believed to cause:
- low self-esteem
- needy, clingy or pseudo-independent behavior
- inability to deal with stress and adversity
- lack of self-control
- inability to develop and maintain friendships
- alienation from and opposition to parents, caregivers, and other authority figures
- anti-social attitudes and behaviors
- aggression and violence
- difficulty with genuine trust, intimacy, and affection
- negative, hopeless, pessimistic view of self, family and society
- lack of empathy, compassion and remorse
- behavioral and academic problems at school
- speech and language problems
- incessant chatter and questions
- difficulty learning
- depression
- apathy
- susceptibility to chronic illness
- obsession with food: hordes, gorges, refuses to eat, eats strange things, hides food
- repetition of cycle of maltreatment and attachment disorder in their own children when they reach adulthood.
We know that chronic stress can lead to sleep, gut and immune problems, that depression and rapid cycling bipolar, social anxiety and compulsive disorders can all be now diagnosed in infancy and can also be found as co-morbid (co-occurring), compounding conditions in those with autism, even physiologically so mimicking what is seen in ASD that it can be indistinguishable from it.
It’s believed that Reactive Attachment Disorder in infancy may inhibit or alter relationship to and processing of emotion and relationships, underpinning a relationship to cognitive and language development and that it gets passed down to future generations but can also be passed on environmentally to those one is not related to.
If Reactive Attachment Disorder is something then passed on to one’s own children (that a parent with RAD will cause RAD in their child) and that, without therapy and intervention, some of those will grow up to do the same, then this raises many questions.
Therapists have always been perplexed by the similarities of effects found in infants with RAD who were ‘autistic like’ and had ‘autistic traits’ and children with autism. Are there any possible connections? Could the two mimic each other or even sometimes occur together in the same child? Children with ASD are born into all kinds of families, wonderful, helpful, well adjusted ones, wonderful, challenged, less adjusted ones and plain full on imbalanced ones, so kids with both ASD and RAD are eventually bound to pop up. If a child had both RAD and ASD would we be able to tell how much was autism and how much was RAD?
As diagnosis of autism has expanded dramatically since the publication and international success of number one bestsellers like Nobody Nowhere and Somebody Somewhere brought awareness of it’s diversity into the mainstream, those who’d once have been labeled psychotic or disturbed in infancy or with autistic traits, now became diagnosed with autism.
Whilst these works also expressed implications of RAD for someone with autism (and people with autism are born into all manner of environments including some very challenged ones), it became undeniable that the expansion of autism diagnosis after these books (sometimes as a direct result of people who’d read them and identified their own, later diagnosed children, from similarities to these accounts) had to suggest we’d ultimately have to take another look at possible connections or interactions between RAD and autism in a new and very different, hopefully less judgmental and less socially damning light.
Prolific accounts emerged of the mourning of parents for their child’s autism. The autistic pride movement rose up against the damaging impact this open mourning of these ‘walking wounded’, claiming its damaging impact on the psyche, development and potential of autistic children.
A current autism approach of RDI (Relationship Development Intervention) is sweeping the world and taking over from the costly approach of ABA. Unlike ABA which focuses on the presumed ‘cognitive pathology’ of autism, RDI recognises these ‘pathologies’ as significant information processing differences and addresses the bonding issues which can complicate autism if the carers are using an approach ill suited to the child’s perceptual, cognitive or social-communication reality. In other words the challenges of autism itself may present a block to bonding processes requiring tuition of some carers in how to overcome those blocks in order to have a happier child with autism more capable of reaching their potential.
This also begged the question whether carers, who already sensed their child was ‘autistically detached’, then self protected, sensing they may potentially have to one day have to separate from that ‘damaged’ child. There carers have even been so emotionally disturbed by lack of services promising the salvation of hope and dread over the potential of future separation that they murdered their child. For every carer in that situation there will be many who don’t go that far and live in shame and silence, unable to talk about THEIR emotional entanglement, distress or even detachment. This is certainly not representative of the families of all people on the spectrum but it will be of some.
There is no ALL.
Some carers, finding they couldn’t cope and needed to give their children up to adoption, fostering or institutionalized care, have been unable to stop steeling themselves against the ‘daily grind’ and damning predictions ahead. Some have claimed their emotional state couldn’t effect their autistic child because the child’s autism, ironically, ‘protected’ them from such impact. Others have been able to see past involuntary avoidance and diversion responses to realise that autistic children, like any human, are still effected by events even if they don’t cognitively or consciously register them or openly and interactively communicate or express that effect. These are natural human emotional dynamics in ALL people, not limited to families of those with autism and I’m certainly not implying RAD will be relevant to all families of people with ASD, not even the majority.
The potential relationship between RAD dynamics and autism may be even harder to avoid with books like Exposure Anxiety; The Invisible Cage of Involuntary Self Protection Responses which looks at involuntary, instinctual and compulsive avoidance, diversion and retaliation responses in those with autism. If nothing else Exposure Anxiety is something relevant to a subset of people with ASD and it may be worth exploring any potential role of RAD in such a subset.
Casting aside the idea that children with autism didn’t sense, Autism and Sensing; The Unlost Instinct then explored the sensitivity of the sensing infant with autism, casting aside the presumption that those who haven’t entered the interpretive phase of cognition, aren’t still deeply affected by events they can’t cognitively process.
Holistic models like The Jumbled Jigsaw then demonstrating how ASD is actually more of a fruit salad of compounding conditions which result in the developmental impact that gets labeled ‘autism’, the potential contributing role of RAD in at least a subset of cases of even intergenerational autism becomes a no brainer.
Selective Mutism used to be neatly preserved for non-autistic children until recently where its now recognised as more common in children with developmental disabilities, including a PERCENTAGE autism (other language disorders including Semantic Pragmatic Disorder, Oral Dyspraxia and auditory and language processing disorders are also common) .
Similarly, Autism used to be a word assigned to 1 in 10,000 children, which today has a vastly expanded presentation and is diagnosed in 1 in 166. Will Reactive Attachment Disorder go the same way? Where’s the cut off?
Is possible that we’re living in an age where some pregnant mothers being so busy with cerebral, passive interactions with technology and its related increase in time use that they don’t have the range of movements, emotional experience, that it’d be conceivable some don’t develop the same full prenatal bonding with their child that may have been more common before the 80s and 90s?
Is it possible that parental reactions to the diagnosis of autism in their infant, reactions of depression, mourning and emotional self protection, may entrench an already established predisposition to RAD? Could some infants inherit particular personality traits and sensitivities that predispose them to RAD more than others? If so, then we wouldn’t find the same response in ALL children.
If we inherit not just genetics but behavioral patterns of the ‘normality’ of our environment, then “improve” upon it, what if society is improving upon detachment, passivity, being more cerebral than emotional and physical, and progressively then mistrusting and fearing unexercised real interaction with ‘strangers out there’?
We are all, already, becoming more ‘autistic’ and the ‘geek syndrome’ generally associated with Asperger’s Syndrome is so widespread that mild cases are not even worth diagnosing lest we end up losing sight of any measuring stick of ‘normality’ (which is all relative anyway).
If, as it is now believed, unborn infants are attuned to the emotional/hormonal experiences of their mothers, what are they experiencing in this brave new world? That they aren’t significant (or at least not till the computer is turned off)? That they don’t REALLY ‘exist’ yet until they’re actually ‘here’ and born? That passivity is the trusted norm of the world they’re headed for? That emotion and face to face physical interactions are, by contrast with logic, is uncomfortable, clumsy and inconvenient? That stopping and just ‘being‘ is futile, that being in nature is unfamiliar but interactions with machines isn’t. That filling all space with something physically inactive and passive interaction is the preferred, most socially rewarding ‘normality’? How much more might significantly agnosic children be effected by this factor than usual children?
With progressive computer addiction, children are now born to often intelligent, caring pregnant mothers who, nevertheless, may barely leave an office chair not only day, but in their own ‘entertainment time’ at night without having any idea this may impact on an unborn child. A percentage of these ‘geek’ mothers who are identifying with and being diagnosed now with Aspergers, the same types who were previously in the highest IQ groups and the ‘gifted‘ range in pre-internet days. Is this co-incidence? Alternatively if one has social emotional agnosia and misses facial expression, body language and intonation, then computer addiction may feel more rewarding, but at what cost to those already potentially more prone than usual children to attachment disorders?
What happens to the prenatal bonding of a gifted kid born in the internet age to a computer addicted conscientious, even concerned and responsible, mother who spent her pregnancy at a soulless keyboard?
And what of the use of computers to help children with autism? There’s no doubt they help many, but others have been just as hindered by exactly the same ‘medicine’. Does any ‘medicine’ not have its side-effects? And do the side-effects need to be considered when deciding the dose and nature of any medicine or therapy? Even further, do we ask an addict what is best for their addicted child? And if not, what if a majority in society are becoming such addicts? Who do we ask?
What if a form of RAD were possible through this detachment via distraction, this chronic preoccupation with the non-physical and non-human, this emotional and physical unavailability’? Certainly no mother can be blamed for the potential effects of something they have not understood. But perhaps we might at least try and understand it and give people choice.
What if, because it didn’t effect men, nobody considered the prenatal impact of this on an unborn child?
What if a caring, conscientious, loving pregnant mother was so busy she rarely had time/chance to think of the upcoming relationship with such a child?
Could such a child handle this first developmental ‘insult’ yet be more vulnerable to depression, bipolar or anxiety or compulsive disorders in infancy and not cope with a second ‘insult’? We don’t know but at least studies could explore it and let us know.
If this happened before age 3, could this exacerbate a range of compounding developmental complications we call ASD including the health effects?
If autism and Asperger’s, by contrast, is considered genetic but RAD is passed down intergenerationally could we be living in an age where a subset of the 1 in 166 population of children with autism may not necessarily be part of an autism ‘epidemic’ at all, but possibly a ‘mutation’ exacerbated by a proliferation in previously unknown, subtler causes of RAD?
If so, if today’s generation benefit from, enjoy or are addicted to those causes, and if voracious consumer economy feeds, encourages and entrenches those addictions through increasingly consumed media, will we ever wake up? Will we be ‘allowed’ to? And in a dog-eat dog society of stone throwing tabloid press, witch hunts and bitching public forums, can we ever calmly look at even hints of the refrigerator mother yet empathically envision ourselves in their shoes?
If we can’t, then who can blame anyone for preferring any potentially detrimental status quo to real change especially when studies have ignored clarifying the possibilities?
NOTE: this article does NOT intend in any way to imply that RAD may be relevant to all or even the majority families of those with autism.
… Donna Williams, Dip Ed BA Hons
autistic author of 9 books in the field of autism
Well that makes sobering if rather depressing reading. Certainly not the jolliest post I’ve read today, but since I expect you are informing, educating and debating rather than entertaining, that’s probably just as well.
Best wishes
Don’t worry, I’m still jolly enough to write many other far jollier articles 🙂
… Donna *)
What do you think of stereotypies in captive animals…doing phd in this…v interested in this in relation to autism…and picked up on this RAD, and pondered on it in the animal-human context?
It’s a very good question.
Researchers have long noted the similarities between stereotypies (self-stimulatory behaviors) in captive animals and some people with autism.
Yes, some captive wild animals spin, pace, rock, harm themselves, eat their excrement (not necessarily for added nutrition, though of course some animals do) and show signs of mood, anxiety and compulsive disorders.
One could ask if they have been separated from real belonging, unable to bond with those selected by their human captors as their mate, whether their parents struggled to form adequate bonding under captive conditions (and many are so stressed and depressed they fail to mate or breed in captivity). And what of THEIR inheritance of RAD? What is the consequence for their lack of processing of a simultaneous sense of self and other necessary for bonding, mating, breeding in captivity… no wonder their human captors often have to revert to artificial insemination.
We could easily compare this stress to today’s excessively busy, demanding, voyeristic, judgemental society in which many mothers can barely move without feeling watched, talked about,…..real or not… and children can barely cry, tantrum (which is natural in infancy) or touch things without someone freaking out because of public liability dramas and guidelines.
Magazines and reality shows promote the common view its OK, entertaining and normal to group as public audience to gawp and comment and VOTE on whose in, whose out, who has cellulite…. its a crazy crazy world…. and one can’t go for a five minute walk without being expected by one’s social network and work pressure to go on a leash (called a mobile phone) and check email and phone messages as soon as one is back from this ‘relative freedom’…. and this has really only been since the 90s.
I don’t think we realise how we replaced moralism with freedom then with the glass prison of voyerism as normality. One is no longer allowed to be solitary or dislike attention without being pathologised for it, needing a kind of ‘doctor’s note’ to justify one’s DIFFERENTNESS in a world with an ever narrower bunch of accepted guidelines on what’s ‘normal’ which are the greatest social myth of our time.
Even studies which ignore a diversity they aren’t designed to capture (too hard to ‘control for’) then justify this unreality and we lap up everything that justifies not rocking even uncomfortable status quos. We’re sedated by passive interaction with the idiot box that brought us up. We fear individuality beyond conformist prescriptions of how to trendily non-conform. We have ‘habits’ in a world which promotes addiction as the reinforcer of consumerism and corporations are progressively our gods and our governments.
Ah, she sighs. Had no idea I was THAT deep! I’m scaring myself this morning. The things I type before medication! Seriously, I don’t think, then type, I type, then realise the thoughts that must have been in there… sometimes I totally surprise myself. In any case, I’ll leave this wild mania just spewed forth and go tame myself. In spite of this gothic word-fest I assure you I’m a happy and optimistic soul and I have a great compassion for this insane world.
…. artists…. I’m safe with a paint brush.
🙂 Donna
Hi Donna,
Hope the world is listening to what you are saying.
We are continually evolving and i have often asked what will happen if we carry on with the current work and lifestyles. We seem to be communicating less face to face than we ever did consequently every action has a reaction and in my opinion you are not far from the mark.
We have adopted a child who is awaiting diagnosis of either RAD or ASD and feel very concerned about the future.
Do you have any ideas to prevent it going on to the next generation?
Ah, Sue,
thanks for the letter.
I guess the short answer is that folks with RAD have missed the programming for the old fashioned version of ‘love’ (as the concept was understood in the 60s and before the consumer, TV, computer generations). Whilst I don’t want to romanticize that era, which had its own pitfalls, what I’m getting at was that ‘love’ was less linked to ‘how much will you spend on me this Christmas’ and ‘how long do I have to be with you being bored before I can go play my computer game’ etc.
I can imagine things that would make a kid with RAD worse – addictions.
And the consumer ‘machine’ is currently advertising its goods as ‘highly addictive!’ as if this is the new way of saying ‘excellent value’. Wow, people are worried about tobacco, but what of the psychologicial, cognitive, emotional, social, communicative and ultimately physical health effects of all this push of ‘highly addictive’ techno consumption? And children will ultimately be born to similarly addicted mothers who barely bonded prenatally, so busy were they interacting with their addictions, without a beer can, syringe or cigarette in sight.
Fact is it comes down to the new global corporate driven consumer religion of excess.
I’ve seen a pair of new borns brought up by the TV, staring blank faced at their older siblings channel choice – MTV and the movie channel on Foxtel. They seemed utterly hypnotised.
We know babies bodies will react to the screams from the idiot box, by age 3 they may have physically mapped, heard and seen yet not understood so many killings, attacks, melodramatic psychodramas etc they’ll be numb to stimulation by anything less, then likely introduced to computer learning designed for addicted kids who are understimulated by real life and find it foreign, gawky, awkward.
I guess raising the subject is a start.
Far and wide would help.
But understanding that excess means imbalance and prolonged imbalance is the very essence of ill health on a variety of interconnected levels, personal and interpersonal, private, social, global.
I’ve met kids with both RAD and ASD (and of course many with ASD who don’t have RAD but its opposite, highly entangled co-dependency issues, and those with neither and only ASD). You may find The Jumbled Jigsaw interesting as it shows how many conditions can become an integrated part of the information processing side of ASD.
Many conditions easily go hand in hand. I understand that the children today being diagnosed with ASD more often than not have other things going on too. The days of ‘pure cases’ seem a thing of the past (if they ever existed) and are no longer the ‘norm’ in todays ASD diagnoses.
Donna Williams
Is it possible that systematic abuse in various forms (neglect, etc etc) in infancy and onward could produce what might be called “autistic-like” features, to the extent that the child/adult could be considered autistic? If so, the basis for the autism is completely different than typical autism, while the presentation is the same (or nearly the same). As such, I think the first type (abuse caused autism) would possibly respond much more to various kinds of treatment (various psychotherapy approaches, medicines, education, etc). Also, with this type, it would seem more possible that the once poorly functioning children might find ways to be more functional as they mature and reach adulthood, both on their own, and possibly with the assistance of others (friends, professionals, etc).
Hi Poppy,
You’re thinking in black and white and the situation is usually grey.
A lot of children on the spectrum have gut/immune disorders and co-occuring mood, anxiety and compulsive disorders.
For many of them, this is inherited, meaning one or more parents share some of these challenges.
A parent with untreated mood, anxiety or compulsive disorders who also struggles with addictions or rage related to intolerances is more prone to overload, social isolation, reduced educational achievement, less likely to get good professional help and less likely to have a stable marriage or extended family (who may well have similar features). These people are more vulnerable to abusing themselves, their partners and their children.
So it’s not about deciding who are the ‘good people’ and who are the ‘bad people’. It’s not about deciding who are the ‘real’ or ‘pure’ autistics and who are the supposedly ‘created’ ones, its about understanding autism and its features more deeply.
I have the same phenol/salicylate problems as 80-90% of people on the spectrum. Like 80% of them I’m also dairy/gluten intolerant. Like 20% of them I’ve had primary immune deficiencies. Like 30-50% of them I deal with co-occurring mood, anxiety and compulsive disorders. Am I from a background of abuse? Yes. Does this mean the abuse caused my autism? Well abuse, neglect and trauma are not good for neurological connections, not good for nervous system development, not good for health, not good for communication or bonding.
But there’s enough agoraphobia, social phobia, depression, suicides, alcoholism, addiction, bipolar, dyslexia, ADHD, receptive language processing problems and three other relatives diagnosed on the spectrum with these other people not from my background, to feel fairly certain that its also the case that severely challenged parents simply run greater risks of not being able to manage or seek and get good professional support.
If one thinks autism is some mystical condition all of its own, then one can’t imagine that such things could all contribute and that the treatment of each piece can help reduce the severity of the combined impact called ‘autism’.
Some people with autism have no gut/immune dysfunctions, no co-occurring psychiatric challenges, no receptive language processing disorders, but if that’s ‘pure autism’ then these days, its actually in the minority of those diagnosed.
As far as I know there is no abused-caused autism.
But there are undiagnosed severely challenged parents with at least autistic traits who sometimes resort to abusing themselves as well as their children and that the child who is the greatest challenge (ie a child with a disability) is sometimes the most likely target of abuse in any challenged family.
when we talk about typicality, the the 20% for whom gut/immune/metabolic disorders don’t figure, are certainly not typical. And whilst 50-70% may not have co-occurring mood, anxiety or compulsive disorders, the 30-50% who do are such a significantly large group that they could hardly be called atypical.
The old stereotypes of pure cases are today’s minorities.
Typicality is about majorities.
… Donna *)
I agreed with the first part where you said that RAD could really be a form a ASD, but the last part of your essay where you attempted to then place ASD in RAD caused by computers and lifestyle, lost me. If this is the cause then you would find everyone with ASD, not just 1:150. Gross neglect and abuse aside, the whole RAD “fad” is the latest attempt to resusitate the Refrigerator Mother. At the bottom of it is misogyny – the underlying deeply entrenched fear and hatred of the woman. I was accused of “not bonding” with my son and given the RAD dx, when all along he had autism. It was extremely traumatic to be accused of being “cold”, and even though I have been vindicated, the scar remains. I would like to hear of others who have been through something similar.