Polly's pages (aka 'Donna Williams')

Ever the arty Autie

Depression, Suicide and living on the edge – Letter to a Stranger in the Dark


The Friend by autistic artist, Donna Williams Someone wrote to me from out of the ether after getting my CD. It was a beautiful letter about feeling found through having connected with the songs but also the most tangible aloneness as though they were calling from the darkness somewhere. People forget that I too am a stranger and that a stranger has somehow touched them or helped them feel a bit ‘found’. But on reflection what I wrote was something that would apply to so many out there, even had I written it to myself 15 years ago as a voice from the future to my own past. So here I felt to share it with you….

You know, the reason for your life is simple that you ARE.

You don’t have to be here for a reason, you just ARE here.

There was no reason for mine. I didn’t think ahead or plan any of where I am, I just arrive. I certainly drifted anonymously for years and years. None of it wasted.

The ultimate audience to be known by is oneself. You have that. You exist. You have made your mark. You are as real as any strong tree you can see from your window, who also finds no reason and simply IS. I too am such a tree and the fact the world knows of me is mere details.

If all looks dark, some omega 3 fish oils wouldn’t do any harm either! They are a mood leveller around 2000mgs a day for those of you really so lost you are in danger and too scared to see a GP or shrink. Sometimes you’ve got to face that you need some help with your chemistry too.

Now if you have journied to the dark and danced with it too long. It’s time to voyage into the discovery of every tiny piece of light within you and around you in the simplest of things. When you get close, even a grain of sand is a world. If we have been getting closeups of the darkness we need to balance this with seeking closeups of what is also our light.

As a stranger here in my own private space, I believe in you and your life.


Donna Williams, familiar stranger.

ps: I expect however crazy those around you may see you as being, you are not them, they are not you… and ‘craziness’, whatever its label or name, even if you have it, is simply part of life’s diversity and it may be ‘different’ but it is still equal. Don’t forget that.

Donna Williams


posted under Donna Williams