 I’ve run 48 hour poetry challenges for over a year and they were really popular. But many people didn’t get their challenges in in the 48 hour window. So for 2009, I’m doing it differently. You now have 30 days to send in your poetry challenges. So of you go – feel free to send me a TITLE or THEME to write to in the comments section and in the next 30 days, you’ll find I’ve responded by posting a poem here addressing it.  Come on, give it a try. Read the rest of this entry »
 This is a little clip I did last Christmas.
Donna Williams *)
 Each month I send out a challenge for people to send me a 1-2 word topic they’d like me to write a poem to and I must write all the poems in the challenge within 48 hours. People CAN’T send names (yes, everyone wants one named after their child ) but they can send other 1-2 word titles. Each sender only gets me writing one poem per poetry challenge and the more surreal the challenge, the better. Read the rest of this entry »
  I invited some of my readers to interview me on particular books which had been helpful to them. Kathleen chose to interview me about the book Exposure Anxiety; The Invisible Cage of Involuntary Self Protection Responses. Here’s that interview: Read the rest of this entry »
 Of my nine published books, my fourth text book, The Jumbled Jigsaw, recently came out in Japanese under the title NO JIHEISHO NO YUTAKANA SEKAI with publishing house, Akashi Shoten. I invited Yumi Yamaoka of Akashi Shoten to ask me some questions about the book for his Japanese readers: Read the rest of this entry »
 Each month I send out a challenge for people to send me a 1-2 word topic they’d like me to write a poem to and I must write all the poems in the challenge within 48 hours. People CAN’T send names (yes, everyone wants one named after their child but they can send other 1-2 word titles. Each sender only gets me writing one poem per poetry challenge and the more surreal the challenge, the better. Read the rest of this entry »
 Well, I started out doing quite classical work, as can be seen best in my life sized bronzes. Then, being face blind and unable to ask people if I could please feel their faces so I could sculpt them, I began Read the rest of this entry »
 There’s an Autism Arts show in NY this weekend at the New York City Autism/Asperger’s Conference. Will my art be there? Read the rest of this entry »
The Jumbled Jigsaw was the embodiment of my ‘autism as a fruit salad’ model and was an navigator’s manual with which to work out the nature of each individual’s autism and which directions relate to which pieces of ‘fruit salad’. Read the rest of this entry »
 Each month I send out a challenge for people to send me a 1-2 word topic they’d like me to write a poem to and I must write all the poems in the challenge within 48 hours. People CAN’T send names (yes, everyone wants one named after their child but they can send other 1-2 word titles. Each sender only gets me writing one poem per poetry challenge and the more surreal the challenge, the better. Read the rest of this entry »