 I was reflecting on what it takes for me to be friends. I’m friendly to all and friends with far fewer.
Sometimes someone will ask what it takes for me to want to be friends especially because I’m very solitary and autonomous.
So, for what its worth, here’s my basics: Read the rest of this entry »
 I do not support thrusting health treatments onto any person without health conditions though I support the right of those with health disorders to treatment. Health treatments of a person with autism should be based on relieving their health issues – gut, immune, metabolic disorders and perhaps the neurological and psychiatric fallout of these disorders.  Trying to alter an autistic personality through health treatments is ridiculous but one can have an autistic personality with or without serious health disorders and their associated challenges. Read the rest of this entry »
 So many websites have ‘captchas‘ now… those combos of jumbled letters and numbers. What of the dyslexics who tumble them both? 3 and E, come on guys, they look the same. A and 4 and 7. Where’s the difference? 2 and 5 and s? 8 and B? d and 6 and 9 and b and p and q? W and M? Z and N? I and 1? F and H? O and 0? u and n? Anyone else have this alphanumerical soup? When I was 9 I was struggling with lots of these and got through that enough to read even though visual verbal agnosia means I still read without meaning unless I use gestural signing and I still use my BPI tinted lenses for Scotopic Sensitivity so the print doesn’t swim about on the page. But these ‘captures’, I’m sure I take 3 times longer to get one right than most people. Ah, they don’t design the world for funky brains like mine.
Donna Williams *)Â
 Last month, with The Aspinauts, I had the honor of playing with a wonderful performer, Heidi Everett. This is my interview with her. Read the rest of this entry »
 It’s a fact that whatever humans set about eating soon becomes depleted unless farmed. So if your dandelions, thistles, onion weed, nettles, oxalis, fennel, lemon balm and burdock are driving you bonkers, why not go harvest them? Read the rest of this entry »
I was asked by a parent of a son with autism about my language history. I hope there comes a day where we stop understand that serious language and communication disorders in those with autism actually have identifiable labels of their own with their own associated strategies and treatments and stop mystifying them as ‘the autism’. So here’s what I’d replied to the question. Read the rest of this entry »
 I invited some of my readers to interview me on particular books which had been helpful to them. Kathleen chose to interview me about the book Exposure Anxiety; The Invisible Cage of Involuntary Self Protection Responses. Here’s that interview: Read the rest of this entry »
 If you get brain edema, fluid retention, liver problems, tend to inflammation, or struggle to detox, if you are sick of migraine from coffee withdrawal, find coffee keeps you up all night, or are worried about coffee dependency or its impact on anxiety states or mania, this may be the recipe for you! And it’s high in vitamins! And it’s GF/CF and it grows in your garden. Read the rest of this entry »
 I lived 35 years with two primary immune deficiencies and their impact on blood health Read the rest of this entry »
I wrote an article on object blindness and context blindness and got this reply: Read the rest of this entry »