With the federal governments intended cuts to Medicare funding for Social Workers and Occupational Therapists under mental health plans I thought I’d interview a Psychiatric Social Worker and get the scoop on what these folks actually do and how is it different to what a Psychologist or Psychiatrist might offer. I interviewed Roxahn Thomas, MA, BSW, BA, MHSW
Here’s our interview. Read the rest of this entry »
Yesterday me and The Aspinauts were performing at Autism Victoria‘s Expo. It was in a huge swoosh venue, Ridges on Bell, in not so swoosh Preston where I’m from. I was a guest speaker on the day and the band was to perform during cocktail hour. Well, I set up a table, books, cds, DVDs, art prints, all of that, and did some book signing, sold some stock, got people to sign a petition lobbying our short sighted government to reverse their funding cuts for OTs and Social Workers under Mental Health. All was rather ticketty boo really. Read the rest of this entry »
When most people think of mental health they tend to think of psychologists or psychiatrists. But what do Social Workers and Occupational Therapists do in the mental health field? Can’t that all be covered by psychologists and psychiatrists?  Find out before the government succeeds in cutting Medicare funding for OTs and Social Workers. Read the rest of this entry »

medicare funding cuts
1 in 150 people in Australia are diagnosed as having an autism spectrum disorder. 90% of adults on the autism spectrum have experienced bullying. Many are forced out of school early due to depression, anxiety disorders and breakdown. As adults those in this population will be significantly more at risk of social isolation, dislocation from their community, unemployment, and homelessness than the general population. Around 1/3rd of adults on the autism spectrum will become diagnosed with additional mental health problems stemming at least in part from social disadvantage. Read the rest of this entry »
Mental Illness can be a chicken or the egg question when it comes to those on the fringes of society; those homeless and itinerant, from broken, dysfunctional or damaging homes who survive without family support, those cut off from community, from their cultures, those living with disabilities. If these people develop mental illness there’s the assumption that a psychiatrist or psychologist is their next stop. But that presumed the mental illness is the cause not the symptom. Read the rest of this entry »
Hi folks, here’s today’s Webinar on The Power of Music and Autism. Me, Stephen Shore and Rudy Simone all featured in it… enjoy
Donna Williams, BA Hons, Dip Ed.
Author, artist, singer-songwriter, screenwriter.
Autism consultant and public speaker.
I invited an Italian correspondent to post me 6 questions about autism. Here’s our interview:
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That’s the title of the New Scientist article debunking autism interventions such as GF/CF diet (Gluten free, Casein free). New Scientist reports all the evidence is there… a randomised, placebo-controlled trial in which they took a load of kids with the same label (and excluded all those with gut/immune symptoms – go figure), applied the diet and found the diet didn’t make these kids non-autistic. Wow, really? So let’s see…
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Continuing my discussions with French psychologist, Dr Luc-Laurent Salvador, here’s our discussion about body agnosia, autism and Exposure Anxiety: Read the rest of this entry »
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Donna *)