AIME is a mentoring program for Indigenous Australian high school kids. It links them up with Indigenous University Students to inspire and encourage them to take their hopes, dreams and skills further. AIME has launched a TV campaign to raise awareness of their program. They need (tax deductible) donations to keep this important program going. They need to spread awareness of the program and the inequality indigenous Australian’s, particularly youth, are still experiencing in Australian cities and towns today. Check out their work. Blog about it. Volunteer. Donate. Read the rest of this entry »
CD Baby are donating $1 to for every album sold.
Dear Donna,
The earthquake and its aftermath in Haiti have touched all of our lives. Many in the CD Baby family have already contributed as individuals, but we wanted to do more to help the victims of the horrible earthquake tragedy. By selling your music on CD Baby, you can help raise funds towards those affected by the disaster. Read the rest of this entry »
The rock musical, Footsteps of a Nobody, next goes to Doncaster Playhouse in Doncaster on Saturday 20th Jan. We’re also planning on a show in April to support international Autism Month. For information about the show visit www.aspinauts.com .
Donna Williams, Dip Ed, BA Hons.
Author, artist, singer-songwriter, screenwriter.
Autism consultant and public speaker.
It’s amazing how humble you get after 6 antibiotics have failed you and you’ve almost drowned in your own lung muck, had your infected throat too painful to swallow, lost all your energy so you’re walking like a 95 year old (and are only 46) and feel your biggest exercise of the day was breathing as the weight falls off what’s left of your skinny self. I remember the shrink who would always say, ‘one day you’ll look back and laugh’.  And I feel so happy to be off Bactrim, yet I can’t help but be grateful to that demon drug. Read the rest of this entry »
Hi Folks,
I’ve got 2 pay per view lectures up on Autism Hangout you might find of interest. Read the rest of this entry »

Over on my facebook page someone asked …“If you had to explain what is autism in simple terms to a person who knew nothing about it what would you say? “
It was a great question and putting autism in simple terms… well that’s so hard because the word is misused for SO MUCH. For example among the conditions I identified in The Jumbled Jigsaw as part of an autism ‘fruit salad’ were… Read the rest of this entry »
The strangest thing happened on my way to pneumonia… Read the rest of this entry »
So damned excited,
I got the newest sputum tests and the CT results back.
Finally, I am free of the Haemophilus Influenzae bug I’ve been fighting for 4 months. Read the rest of this entry »
Sally Colletti is involved with Advocates for Autism (www.advocateforautism.com) and is compiling a book about Atypical Seizures. When I mentioned my diagnosis in my 20s of Atypical Epilepsy she asked me about my own experiences. Here’s our interview: Read the rest of this entry »
Like a large percentage of the autistic population and a large percentage of the ADHD population, I’m salicylate intolerant which means foods high in salicylates can increase asthma, give me hives, migraines and joint inflammation, suppress liver function, suppress immunity and trigger further food and chemical allergies and associated fatigue. High salicylate levels also make my mind race and make me anxious, distracted and hyper.
In those with salicylate intolerance, high levels commonly affect these people like cocaine might affect others and it’s not unusual to find those with salicylate intolerance diagnosed with Read the rest of this entry »