 Of my nine published books, my fourth text book, The Jumbled Jigsaw, recently came out in Japanese under the title NO JIHEISHO NO YUTAKANA SEKAI with publishing house, Akashi Shoten. I invited Yumi Yamaoka of Akashi Shoten to ask me some questions about the book for his Japanese readers: Read the rest of this entry »
 This recipe is so easy. It’s really autie-friendly to make plus it’s GF/CF and low salicylate. Read the rest of this entry »
 I was asked for a paragraph about my vision of the future of autism. Here’s what I wrote: Read the rest of this entry »
 “It is now five minutes to midnight on the doomsday clock, reflecting the fact that we are closer to assuring the obliteration of our species than we have been at any time since the early eighties. Read the rest of this entry »
 Each month I send out a challenge for people to send me a 1-2 word topic they’d like me to write a poem to and I must write all the poems in the challenge within 48 hours. People CAN’T send names (yes, everyone wants one named after their child
but they can send other 1-2 word titles. Each sender only gets me writing one poem per poetry challenge and the more surreal the challenge, the better. Read the rest of this entry »
 So you feel sorry for the shopkeepers this Christmas if you don’t buy an A-Z of consumables. But what you may not realise is Read the rest of this entry »
 Another day, another gimick. We’re gripped by a global recession, people are losing their jobs and homes everywhere, Americans on or hoping for benefits and services are worried will they lose them when foreign countries foreclose on their bankrupt country already trillions in dept. But in the email, those in the autism world are told there is hope for just $240 Read the rest of this entry »
I had a letter from a parent asking me about cure and where I stand. Here’s my reply. Read the rest of this entry »
 All kinds of people have or adopt special needs children. Read the rest of this entry »
 Saw this program this week. You thought An Inconvenient Truth was scary? What this doco Read the rest of this entry »