Polly's pages (aka 'Donna Williams')

Ever the arty Autie

Jerusalem Artichokes – They’re not even Jewish!


Weed 4 by Donna Williams Last year we got some Jerusalem artichoke plants. Four innocuous little plants in small innocuous little pots. We planted them, excited about the idea of growing them and having such an exotic vegetable in the foreseeable future. Fast forward one year. Last years crop had grown, then grown, then grown some more and we were delighted when atop these wonderful eight foot plants was a lovely hand-sized sunflower, sort of like a happy star atop a Christmas tree. But doing as were instructed, when the flower died off we dug up the plant and gathered several large bags of the root vegies growing underneath. Much flatulence later these vegies had their own brand of gas named after them – artichoke gas. The following year, we didn’t have four plants. We had forty. We had bags of these gas producing beasts to last us and our friends and neighbours for so many months that I gave a bag full to a visiting Jehovah’s witness, sending her off on her merry way with a gift (I did tell her what they’d do but she was willing to dare it).

Those Jerusalem artichokes are not what they seem. They aren’t Jewish. They aren’t even artichokes and they are only 50% digestible. In fact they are members of the sunflower family. The only good news is if you nuke them in a microwave for 20 mins on high you can reduce the associated flatulence to that of the humble baked bean by helping to break down the indigestible inulin of these devious little beasties. And whilst they look like a ginger, they in fact have a taste more akin to a cross between a squash and a parsnip. They are the perplexing vegetable enigma equivalent to what the platypus is to the animal kingdom.
… Donna Williams

author, artist, eater of artichokes.


posted under Donna Williams