As the author of 10 published books, an international public speaker and professional autism consultant I’m best known in the autism world. But I have a
wide following in the D.I.D (Dissociative Identity Disorder) and MPD populations too. Read the rest of this entry »
Do we all have multiple selves? Is this the same as Multiple Personality Disorder or can we suddenly find we have outgrown a self or find an unknown one has finally broken through to consciousness, ready to turn our present life on its head? To know what selves are we must define what they are not. Read the rest of this entry »
We’ve always considered Donna and The Aspinauts to be diversity friendly but what does it mean to be a disability friendly band? Is it about having people with disabilities in the band? Is it about making it easy for those with disabilities to attend your gigs and shows? Is it about having a natural sense of equality with and respect for those with disabilities? Is it about having a strong presence in the wider disability community? Read the rest of this entry »
The rock musical, Footsteps of a Nobody, next goes to Doncaster Playhouse in Doncaster on Saturday 20th Jan. We’re also planning on a show in April to support international Autism Month. For information about the show visit www.aspinauts.com .
Donna Williams, Dip Ed, BA Hons.
Author, artist, singer-songwriter, screenwriter.
Autism consultant and public speaker.
Hi Folks,
I’ve got 2 pay per view lectures up on Autism Hangout you might find of interest. Read the rest of this entry »

Over on my facebook page someone asked …“If you had to explain what is autism in simple terms to a person who knew nothing about it what would you say? “
It was a great question and putting autism in simple terms… well that’s so hard because the word is misused for SO MUCH. For example among the conditions I identified in The Jumbled Jigsaw as part of an autism ‘fruit salad’ were… Read the rest of this entry »
Some of you may remember the Autie Christmas Poem I did on YouTube a few years ago
Well, it got turned into a song called “Merry Christmas” over on
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Over on the 2009 online AWARES International Autism Conference the host there, Adam Feinstein, wrote:
What do you think of the latest study (from the University of Cambridge) showing that the brains of people with autism are less active when engaged in self-reflective thought. Read the rest of this entry »
Melanie Hadley is in her final year at Birmingham City University studying Textile Design. She is researching for her dissertation and is focusing on the benefits of art with children with disabilities, people on the autistic spectrum and adults. She asked me some questions about how art has affected my life and about my ARTism. Here’s our interview: Read the rest of this entry »
Welcome to Autism 2009, the fifth online world conference to be held within the AWARES conference centre.
This conference opens on Monday, November 30, 2009, and runs for a week until December 7, 2009. Paper abstracts will be accessible from early November.
Speaker list includes*:
Professor Simon Baron-Cohen
Donna Williams
Dr Susan Folstein
Dr Gary Mesibov
Professor Susan Leekam
Dr Wendy Lawson
Dr Manuel Casanova
Stephen Shore….
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