It’s a (disproven) stereotype that those with autism can’t lie. Some Auties and Aspies CAN and DO lie and have talked openly about how and why they did or were compelled to. Others can’t or don’t. But what defines the difference? What decides who can and does, who can and doesn’t, who can’t but would if they could, who can’t but even if they could wouldn’t? Read the rest of this entry »
Someone came to my blog first thing in the morning to try and post a comment wherever they could. With a belly full of hate for breakfast, she was being loyal to a flamer who had inflamed her hatred (against me) the day before. Read the rest of this entry »

Anne McDonald
My husband
Chris and I went to dinner with
Anne Mc Donald for several years. We went once a month and Anne was often the life of the party. Hard for some people to imagine given that Anne had almost no comprehensible verbal speech whatsoever.
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‘Autism’ is one word but underlying autistic development and behaviour can be a ‘fruit salad’ of conditions. One of those is commonly Agnosias. Gnosia means ‘to know’. Agnosias are where the brain struggles to put meaning to incoming sensory information. Common agnosias in those with autism include Read the rest of this entry »
‘Autism’ is one word but underlying autistic development and behaviour can be a ‘fruit salad’ of conditions. These conditions will often result in a range of voluntary and involuntary behaviors but how can you tell them apart and what are the low cost/no cost strategies for each? Read the rest of this entry »
When I was nine years old I could read at a very advanced level, I had grasped how to pronounce written words and I was proud of my ability. Then it was realised that I had basically no ability to process anything I was reading for meaning. Read the rest of this entry »
As an autism consultant since 1996, I have worked with attachment disordered kids with autism and those who are not. We are often daunted by the idea of attachment disorders in those with autism. It’s a taboo topic and conjures up images of archaic psychotherapy and Refrigerator Mother theory. But attachment disorders can also occur in people who have never experienced abuse, neglect or inconsistency of carers. Read the rest of this entry »
Dissociation is the ability to cut off from what is happening around you or to you. In its simplest form it is daydreaming. It is a skill all children have and which children with autism tend to overdevelop in managing a world they find overwhelming for a whole range of reasons. Read the rest of this entry »
As an autism consultant since 1996, and a person diagnosed with autism at the age of two, I am very aware of the wide range of issues that can come together as a ‘toileting drama’ for someone with autism. Read the rest of this entry »