I was diagnosed with Autism in 1965 (aged 2). I grew up with autonomic issues, none of them formally diagnosed until they were pushed over the line following two general anaesthetics and chemo in 2011-2012. Read the rest of this entry »
Central hypoventilation means your brain keeps forgetting to keep you breathing. See, we have this thing called a ‘respiratory drive’ and this makes us keep breathing. This is why we don’t easily ‘just die’, because there are two things keep us alive; a beating heart and a respiratory drive. If either of those fail partially then we will have problems. Read the rest of this entry »
Most people love a big relaxing candlelit bath. Put your head back under the water and give your ears a good soak. Maybe even have a snooze. Well, its not so straightforward with the hypoventilation disorder of Ondine’s Curse. Read the rest of this entry »

ONDINE’S CURSE by Donna Williams Read the rest of this entry »
I was born in 1963 to an alcoholic mother who became sectioned under the mental health act when I was 3. I was born with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS) which is a collagen disorder thought associated with high functioning autism. Collagen plays a part in immune regulation and brain connectivity. I was immune deficient since 6 months old and had IgE allergies to wheat and legumes which would have been present since infancy. Then a lot happened when I was two and a half. Read the rest of this entry »