
Sense of purpose by Donna Williams
Dissociation, alters, co-consciousness and PTSD nightmares can be extremely hard for children with DID to understand and those with awareness of any of their alters or experiencing co-consciousness or PTSD nightmares may easily conclude they are haunted or that their alters are ghosts or imaginary friends even if they had no conscious role in creating them and just ‘discovered’ they were already in existence
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Cozy by Donna Williams
OK, so whilst there’s a war about who is autistic, who has Aspergers, whether someone with AS can once have been more autistic, whether someone autism can become someone with Aspergers or outgrow degrees of their autism, the group people most don’t ‘get’ are those slightly outside of the bell curve who nevertheless have the type of personality traits that mean they experience their oddity profoundly or move in circles which are so normality monging that they can smell a
weirdo at 500 paces. Who are these people who feel they have no disability but identify as having AS, even identify as ‘Autistics’? Often they are people with subclinical Aspergers Syndrome.
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Donna Williams aged 12
I heard from an Aspie who said the most riveting thing about discovering ‘autistic culture’… he said that “when someone gets diagnosed in adulthood, they have spent their whole lives learning to be neurotypical so then they have to try and learn how to be autistic”.
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Donna Williams aged 4
According to
Wikipedia, Neurodiversity is about the acceptance of relative equality, acceptance and respect of diverse forms of neurological difference.
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Donna Williams aged 9
As an autism consultant with qualifications in teaching, linguistics, sociology, one of my lecture topics as a public speaker is the spectrum of communication disorders and part of my consulting work is helping people understand which communication disorders may be occurring in specific children and adults diagnosed on the autism spectrum.
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Donna Williams aged 4
I’m not comfy with
Narcissists. Sorry y’all. we all have our peeves… extreme Narcissistic Personality Disorder is psychopathy… I grew up with a psychopath.
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Donna Williams aged 4
What is Autism? What is autistic behaviour? What is a ‘stim’, a self stimulatory behaviour? What about those ‘funny’ movements?
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Back to Normality by Donna Williams
A. A strong and persistent identification with the condition of autism (not merely a desire for any perceived cultural advantages of being someone with the condition). Manifested by four (or more) of the following:
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Donna Williams aged 4 months old
There are a lot of people who think I was a cute baby, and sure, I was. But there were things amiss.
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