Exposure Anxiety is an ‘Invisible Cage’ that challenges the person to either side with it and identify self with their own compulsive self protection responses. It results in compulsive and involuntary avoidance, diversion and retaliation responses. In its different modes it can be easily confused with Oppositional Defiance Disorder, prompt dependency, Dependent Personality Disorder, Avoidant Personality Disorder or presenting like ADHD. Read the rest of this entry »
I was diagnosed with Mixed (mostly central) apnea in March 2012. I had complained about waking and finding I was not breathing in 2009. I explained that I wasn’t gasping for air (as happens in Obstructive Apnea), had merely woken to find I was laying there like a dead person, not breathing (usual in Central Apnea), commonly with my hands and feet numb or tingling (usual in sensory neuropathy). But because I was thin, young and didn’t snore, it was presumed I couldn’t have (obstructive) ‘apnea’ so therefore couldn’t have apnea at all. Read the rest of this entry »
I breathe, therefore I am. Read the rest of this entry »

The Call by Donna Williams
Dying in a hospital, unless you have legal paperwork supporting your right to refuse treatment, you could be revived and revived and revived only to continue to spend your last weeks or days suffering.
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Try this surprising list… from the Epilepsy Foundation: Read the rest of this entry »
If you tune in to it, you amplify it… that’s the basic principal… so tune in to your own heartbeat, the sound of your own breathing, the annoyance of a particular sensory stimulus, and guess what… you amplify it. Read the rest of this entry »
Our esteemed PM, Tony Abbott Read the rest of this entry »

Warrior by Donna Williams
The definition of a degenerative disorder is when there is an active process contributing to measurable decline in functioning, be that of the spine, of the brain, of the myelin that protects the nerves.
Ehlers Danlos Syndrome is not an autoimmune disorder (though one could certainly have both). In this sense though
autonomic neuropathy, in fact polyneuropathy, may occur in both MS and EDS, in EDS there is no autoimmune disorder at work attacking the
myelin, even though there may be degeneration of the connective tissue that protects the myelin which in turn protects the nerves. Expose the myelin through the degeneration of the connective tissue that protects it and you leave the myelin vulnerable to whatever damaging processes the body has to offer.
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Connective tissue in the brain is essential to learning and how we store information. What then of those with connective tissue disorders such as Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome? Whilst EDS is presently thought to effect 1 in 5000 people in the general population (though other rarer forms like EDSIV 1 in 20,000) would we be more likely then to find EDS related connective tissue disorders in those with learning and developmental disabilities? Read the rest of this entry »
Sick of being used, being a doormat, a pleaser, having people leech on you at the expense of developing their own resources, skills or coming to terms with their own lives? Read the rest of this entry »