
DUEL: The Aerosol Assassin
Exhibition Opening 6-8pm July 21 2011
Exhibition runs July 19 – August 06 2011
The latest exhibition by Melbourne based graffiti maestro Duel represents this artists progression, passion and individuality. Duel’s new works have multi dimensional brilliance, are like an untamed life force, and bounce off the canvases immersing you in their energy. Colors and splats, ribbons and weaves, take you on a journey through Duels past, his development of style, and future innovations.
Kick Gallery is located at 4 Peel Street Collingwood & open Tuesday-Friday11am-6pm & Saturday 12-5pm
For further information contact Kick Gallery on 0412 243 818 or email info@kickgallery.com

Taking the dead to therapy
I took my father to therapy last week. He’s been dead since 1995, around 16 years now, but I took him along anyway. I packed up his letters, objects from the different Jacks, and took them along. I laid them out on the floor and picked up each in turn, me and my alters addressing each father that shared that one body of his.
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Donna Williams aged 9
I’ve always had a strong reaction to images of Barry Humphries.
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Iris by Donna Williams
This month’s artwork is titled ‘
It is 26 cm x 42 cm, acrylic on paper. Some of the irises look like dancers, butterflies, nudes, fairies. It’s a whimsical painting, full of movement. It is gently joyous. I hope you enjoy the painting. You can see it and others in my online
Donna Williams *)

Donna Williams aged 8 with GTS convertible
In 1970, when I was 7 years old, my family had moved from the small rented house into a big two story house in Preston. In went a built in swimming pool, well supplied bar, snooker table, chandeliers, mirror walls, and filled with antiques and racks of guns displayed openly on the walls. There was a revolver in the drawer of the front dresser just inside the front door.
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Barry Humphries on Pedophilia
From 1969-1979 a famous Australian artist, Donald Friend, had a house in Bali where he had up to 20 Balinese ‘houseboys’ who stayed at his home.

Donald Friend
Donald Friend kept diaries detailing his
pedophilia there with boys aged 9-12 years old. He finally bequeathed these diaries to the National Library on the condition they publish them.
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Donna Williams aged 4
Those who grow up meaning deaf (verbal agnosia) often have exceptionally good use of peripheral vision. Those with a form of meaning blindness called Simultagnosia in which one sees the part and loses the whole often employ peripheral vision as a means of filtering out the level of incoming information they’d otherwise get through rods in the front of the eyes as a means of reducing sensory flooding, allowing the brain more time to process what’s left in a similar way that some therapeutic tinted lenses do too. A recent
study showed peripheral vision is also more highly developed among those who deaf from an early age.
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Terrain by Donna Williams
This month’s artwork is titled ‘Terrain’.
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Schizotypal by Donna Williams
Schizotypal personality disorder has an extremely high co-occurrence with both Autism and Dissociative Disorders.
Schizotypal Personality Disorder is also deemed to be along the same spectrum as Schizophrenia at the extreme end and
Schizoid Personality Disorder at the more mild end. So it may be that Schizophrenia is not as much the antithesis of Autism as we had imagined.
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Sense of purpose by Donna Williams
Dissociation, alters, co-consciousness and PTSD nightmares can be extremely hard for children with DID to understand and those with awareness of any of their alters or experiencing co-consciousness or PTSD nightmares may easily conclude they are haunted or that their alters are ghosts or imaginary friends even if they had no conscious role in creating them and just ‘discovered’ they were already in existence
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