I heard from Nupur. She was from Boston USA and had recently I have started online community for children with special needs called ‘Special Children’s Art Work’. Her passion is to give special needs children and their families some place where they can come and submit their creativity. She thought I would be an inspiration for them and asked me for an interview. Here it is: Read the rest of this entry »
Today my name legally became Polly Leanne Samuel Read the rest of this entry »
Are you helping Isil? Read the rest of this entry »
My father died from bowel cancer in his late 50s. I survived breast cancer in my late 40s and of course this means I’m a reasonable candidate sooner or later for possible bowel cancer to give me a run for my money. As such I had to have a colonoscopy every year to ensure I kept this bogie man away. Read the rest of this entry »
Australia’s offshore ‘detention centres’ don’t make logical sense… Read the rest of this entry »
Outsiders… there’s those who ‘adhere’… the ‘in crowd’… there’s those who have always been on the peripheries, a satellite, never quite content with what it takes to be ‘the in crowd’,… too solitary, too vigilant, too sensing, too aware, too individual, too real, too deep, too caring, too daggy, too blunt, too raw, too far off the bell curve. Read the rest of this entry »
I’m about to start my second online autism series.
These are affordable interactive skype presentations which are open to people throughout Australia and beyond. All the strategies I talk about and demonstrate are low cost and no cost strategies. Read the rest of this entry »
Care about refugees? Then listen to them. First survey shows Syrians are fleeing from Assad, not Isis. Nearly all want to go home. The results are crystal clear. Read the rest of this entry »
“Love ya”… It’s a throw away line that anyone can perform. Anyone can say it but living it, that is different. If you use ‘I love you’ as a public advertisement, a facade, a flag wave, a smoke screen, a cop out, a throw away line, a crutch, a habit, a guilt trip, a filler, then saying it is not ‘better than nothing. In fact, even the silence may be more honest, more honoring, more respectful. Read the rest of this entry »

This is a picture of me in mid 1963 BEFORE I WAS BORN… I’m the lump, probably around 6-7 months cooked. My mother would have been 19 in this pic. I suspect my father’s brother, my uncle, took the pic as he had the slide and I’d never seen it until this week. Finally, a baby picture of me with my mother. Read the rest of this entry »