What is it like living in a world that doesn’t fit you and being expected, even commanded to conform to a one-size-all ‘normality’ that doesn’t compute? Baloombawop, by Donna Williams, was originally performed as a one woman rock musical (though it could also be adapted as a children’s production with three leads, seven supporting parts and ensemble). The story is told in Dr Seuss/Roald Dahl/ Lewis Carroll like rhyme from start to finish. The land of Baloombawop and its crazy characters – The Gadoodleborger, Dame Grumpty Do, The Brookenstein Fox, Boogerlooger, Charlie Warmton, Bluster Mc Fluster, The Whirly Twirl Girl, The Gimmety Gimme can easily lend themselves to individual drama activities. The complete recording including music for the show is available at CD Baby/.
The show is available to perform at no cost under a Creative Commons Licence as long as I am credited as its writer and I would ask that my husband, Chris Samuel, to be informed of any performances so he has a chance to experience the show.

Baloombawop by Donna Williams is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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He wrote the introduction to the diaries of Donald Friend, diaries detailing 10 years of Donald Friend’s sex with Balinese boys as young as 9 years old. In the introduction Barry Humphries referred to his friend as a “Benevolent Pedophile”, suggesting that as his friend had up to 20 of these ‘houseboys’ and gave accommodation and schooling in exchange for sex, that this was somehow benevolent, and Humphries certainly visited and stayed with Donald Friend during the 10 years, enjoying his ‘hospitality’. Read the rest of this entry »
Barry Humphries is one of those faces that has haunted me for years. I have had to see his face on TV, in newspapers and magazines, on billboards and each time I remember him in our house, in my room, in the early 70s when I was a child. And the smile from the billboards never quite jells with the leer I remember. So reading about Barry Humphries’ Farewell Tour this June 2012, I felt, finally no remorse for the finale of an iconic Australian entertainer. Read the rest of this entry »

Donna Williams aged 9
I’ve always had a strong reaction to images of Barry Humphries.
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Barry Humphries on Pedophilia
From 1969-1979 a famous Australian artist, Donald Friend, had a house in Bali where he had up to 20 Balinese ‘houseboys’ who stayed at his home.

Donald Friend
Donald Friend kept diaries detailing his
pedophilia there with boys aged 9-12 years old. He finally bequeathed these diaries to the National Library on the condition they publish them.
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On May 21st, for one night only Donna Williams and The Aspinauts will perform the rock musical Footsteps of a Nobody 7-8pm, followed by an interactive question-answer forum with the audience, Walking In Autistic Shoes, from 8-8.30pm at the Wendouree Centre For Performing Arts. Proudly sponsored by Ballarat Autism Network as part of World Autism Awareness Month. Read the rest of this entry »
In childhood I was called Dolly Burger by my mother’s side, Miss Polly by my father. I’d rather have been Miss Polly even if I was sick, sick, sick too often than be anyone’s doll. I didn’t like doll’s, those staring, plastic almost demonic representations of a one-size-fits all normality or perfection. I never identified with being Doll-y or anyone’s doll. When my mother told me I was hers, her doll, I felt the foundations of my feminist rejection of conformist expectations of ‘what a girl should be’. I liked the ballet dress with its fluttering leafy skirt, its sheeny pink sating and mother of pearl beading catching rainbows in the lights. But the doll thing… Read the rest of this entry »
We’ve always considered Donna and The Aspinauts to be diversity friendly but what does it mean to be a disability friendly band? Is it about having people with disabilities in the band? Is it about making it easy for those with disabilities to attend your gigs and shows? Is it about having a natural sense of equality with and respect for those with disabilities? Is it about having a strong presence in the wider disability community? Read the rest of this entry »
The rock musical, Footsteps of a Nobody, next goes to Doncaster Playhouse in Doncaster on Saturday 20th Jan. We’re also planning on a show in April to support international Autism Month. For information about the show visit .
Donna Williams, Dip Ed, BA Hons.
Author, artist, singer-songwriter, screenwriter.
Autism consultant and public speaker.