Most people love a big relaxing candlelit bath. Put your head back under the water and give your ears a good soak. Maybe even have a snooze. Well, its not so straightforward with the hypoventilation disorder of Ondine’s Curse. Read the rest of this entry »

ONDINE’S CURSE by Donna Williams Read the rest of this entry »

Wondering where to star gaze in Melbourne? Read the rest of this entry »
Stephen Fry has a great answer to this most important question.
Recent studies in reputable medical journals have linked Autism to seemingly farfetched things like being born to mothers with pre eclampsia, being born prematurely, being born to older fathers, being born to smokers, being born by cesarean, being circumcised under the age of 5. Read the rest of this entry »
An Aspie was wondering if finding babies cute and adorable was the same if you had one…. having them means Read the rest of this entry »
This month’s artwork is titled ‘Faith’. Read the rest of this entry »
The Gadoodlborger is a term that denoted a person who could translate different ‘normalities’, a ‘bridgekeeper’ between different worlds. It was the highest compliment I could pay to those who understood instinctually there was no one ‘normality’ and the inherent equality in difference – what it was to be naturally and truly diversity friendly. Read the rest of this entry »
Baloombawop is a kind of Aspergia, a haven for Aspinauts, an land rich in its diversity. It is a contrary place where the most abnormal thing of all is the vehement insistence on a one-size-fits-all ‘normality’. Read the rest of this entry »
There’s is considerable overlap between Exposure Anxiety and conditions such as Pathological Demand Avoidance (first diagnosed in 2008), Oppositional Defiance Disorder (first in the literature around 2002), Avoidant Personality Disorder and Dependent Personality Disorder. Read the rest of this entry »